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The Big Seminar for Your Right Investment

We do not live in the same world we did even twelve months ago. Shifting geopolitical arrangements, evolving monetary and economic policy, changing social dynamics, technological disruption and enhanced material risks from climate change are all having tangible real-world impacts. More than ever, understanding and incorporating these dynamics into portfolio construction will be critical to meeting long-term investment goals, with those able to adapt quickest having the best chance of success. Join senior investment peers from around the world at the Mercer Global Investment Forums 2022, Metamorphosis: re-drawing the investment map together, where we explore those key themes set to reshape markets and investment practices. 

With the opportunity to attend in-person as well as virtually for the Europe and Asia Forums, asset owners and managers gather to discuss the evolution that define markets and investing for many years to come. Right now, you can already connect via our digital research platform – MercerInsight® Community – a free gateway to some of the very best research and insights in the industry.

The Big Seminar for Your Right Investment

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